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Vested benefits solution
Vested benefits solution
Vested benefits account opening
Open vested benefits account (FZS)
Can I open several vested benefits accounts at once?
Why should I open a vested benefits account?
Why should I open a vested benefits account with ePlix?
I only want an account solution at the beginning, how do I have to proceed?
Transfer of vested benefit assets
Transfer to another pension fund
QR deposit slip vested benefits and transfer (FZS)
Can I easily transfer my existing vested benefits balance to ePlix?
I found a job again. Am I required to transfer my vested benefits account to my new employer's pension fund?
Account or portfolio solution?
Why should I invest my pension assets in securities?
Account and securities savings in pension : What is the difference?
Portfolio - Investment strategy
Which investment strategies can I choose?
Is it possible to delete a securities order after the strategy change?
How can I adjust my investment strategy?
I tried to update my Tellco investment strategy, and it did not work.
Portfolio - Investment - Questions
Can I invest 100% in shares?
How can I put together an individual strategy with ETFs in a pension portfolio?
What is the minimum investment amount for which my transactions will be executed?
Portfolio - Costs
Are there additional costs for theme funds?
What costs are incurred when investing in a Tellco Classic Strategy Fund?
What costs are incurred in the individual investment strategy for transactions?
Portfolio - System questions
How can it happen that more than 100% is invested?
Which method of calculating the return is used?
How long does it take for my securities order to be processed?
What do we mean by automatic rebalancing and when is this carried out?
Request an account statement from the foundation
Account statement / portfolio statement received (vested benefits)
Do I receive receipts or statements in paper form?
Information on the vested benefits solution
Can I make voluntary contributions to the vested benefits account?
Do I need to pay tax on my vested benefits assets?
Withdrawal of vested benefits / payout
Where can the necessary documents be obtained abroad?
UntitledWhere can the necessary documents be obtained in Switzerland?
What documents do I need to claim payment of my pension assets (vested benefits)?
When can I withdraw my vested benefits?